Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment Hospital in Indianapolis

Options Behavioral Health is renowned as one of Indianapolis’ leading providers of Alzheimer’s disease treatment. Our expert staff creates personalized treatment plans to cater to each individual’s specific needs.

Alzheimer's Disease Treatment

Learn more about Alzheimer’s disease treatment at Options Behavioral Health System in Indianapolis, IN

As people age, some subtle changes in memory are likely to occur. While some memory alterations can be considered normal, progressive memory loss may be cause for concern. In instances where other symptoms start to appear in addition to progressive memory loss, including visual-spatial problems or a noticeable change in personality or behavioral responses, it is possible that an individual is suffering from a form of dementia known as Alzheimer’s disease.

At Options Behavioral Health, we recognize that receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease can be a frightening time for individuals and their families. We are sensitive to this fact and are proud to have been able to help many who are suffering from the symptoms of Alzheimer’s learn how to manage their symptoms through the use of state-of-the-art treatment interventions at our hospital that are provided by an experienced team of professionals. Options Behavioral Health is an 84-bed, free-standing psychiatric hospital devoted to providing a full continuum of care for adults and older adults who are battling the symptoms of any number of mental health concerns, including Alzheimer’s disease. At our hospital, individuals can learn the tools they need to successfully achieve a brighter future.

Types of Treatment

Types of Alzheimer’s disease treatment offered at Options Behavioral Health System in Indianapolis, IN

At Options Behavioral Health, we offer our patients various types of programming at our center that are tailored to meet their specific needs. Our center’s 24-hour physician and nursing staff members are dedicated to not only getting to the cause of the presenting behavioral issues, but also to working with each patient and his or her family to educate them on the necessary steps they should take to prevent or cope with future issues.

The staff at Options Behavioral Health is committed to providing stabilization services to individuals at our hospital who are in need of acute care to treat symptoms that have become exacerbated to the point that they are unable to continue functioning appropriately on a daily basis. When patients come to Options for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms, they can rest assured that all measures will be taken at our hospital to alleviate the distress that they are experiencing so that they can move on to receive continuing care in a less restrictive environment.

In order to ensure that all of our center’s patients are provided with comprehensive care during their time spent at Options Behavioral Health, the following interventions may be implemented into each patient’s individualized treatment plan:

Medication management: The use of certain medications may be beneficial in successfully treating individuals enrolled at our center who are suffering from the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. The implementation of any medication, however, will be determined on a case-by-case basis depending upon each individual’s specific needs. Patients who participate in programming at Options Behavioral Health will meet individually with the psychiatrist or nurse practitioner five days each week at our center for medication management services.

If you feel that you are in crisis, or are having thoughts about hurting yourself or others, please call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency room immediately.

Group therapy: At Options Behavioral Health, group therapy is one of the main types of therapeutic interventions used for patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Each day at our center, there are a number of different groups held, including two activity groups, one process group, and between two and four psychoeducation groups. The topics that are discussed at our center and the activities that are partaken in during these group sessions can vary, but may include the following:

  • Timalation
  • Brain Games
  • Reminiscent Therapy
  • Goals Groups
  • Current Events
  • Anger Management
  • Coping Skills
  • Exercise
  • Arts and Crafts

Family therapy: Family therapy sessions are designed to help our center’s patients and their family members explore the ways in which the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease have affected the family dynamic as a whole. It can also serve as a time to teach family members about Alzheimer’s, recovery, and ongoing care, as well as to guide them in learning ways that they can best support their loved ones. Our center’s patients will be afforded the opportunity to have at least one family therapy session during their time spent at Options Behavioral Health.

Experiential therapy: Experiential therapy opportunities are offered twice each day at our hospital and are incorporated into the activity therapy groups that patients participate in. The different types of experiential therapies that patients may engage in include:

  • Recreation Therapy
  • Music Therapy
  • Expressive Arts Therapy

Recognizing that ongoing care is often essential in facilitating lasting healing from Alzheimer’s disease, the staff at Options Behavioral Health works diligently with patients to develop thorough discharge plans and arrange for aftercare supports. The therapists in each of our hospital’s program facilitate discharge and aftercare planning by assisting patients in scheduling follow-up outpatient therapy sessions within seven days of their discharge. When necessary, psychiatric appointments are also scheduled at the time of discharge. Therapists at our center work with patients to assess what other types of resources and referrals may be beneficial in their specific situations and will help make those arrangements as well.

What makes Options Behavioral Health the right choice?
Proven Treatment Methods

Experienced staff and clinical excellence have made Options Behavioral Health the most recognized mental health and psychiatric disorder treatment hospital in Indianapolis, and we look forward to providing our services for years to come.

24-Hour Care

Mental health disorders and issues don’t stop at 5 p.m., and neither should your treatment. Our expert clinical staff and caring support staff are here to provide you or your loved one with the highest quality of treatment 24/7/365.

Weekly Family Updates

Being “in the know” is extremely important and often ties to the longevity of success. That's why, at Options, communication and transparency are the backbone of our relationship with patients, loved ones, and professional referral sources.