Heroin Addiction Treatment Center in Indianapolis

Find your path to a healthier life at Options. Our professionals deliver personalized care in a safe, supportive setting. 

Learn More About Heroin Addiction Treatment

Learn more about heroin addiction treatment at Options Behavioral Health System in Indianapolis, IN

Heroin addiction is characterized by changes in brain structure and continuous drug seeking behavior that goes on despite the occurrence of negative consequences. This illegal substance is a synthesized opioid analgesic that comes from the Asian opium poppy plant. This substance is used on the streets as a recreational drug, also commonly called black tar, smack, brown, or tar. Upon initial use, this drug causes a rush of pleasure, a sense of well being, and joy. These strong feelings associated with the drug leave a user wanting more, which can quickly lead to tolerance and addiction.

When heroin enters the brain, it is converted back into morphine, binding to opioid receptors that are located throughout the brain and body. Opioid receptors are involved in pain perception and reward, which is why using heroin increases pleasurable feelings as well as decreasing pain. The chronic use of heroin will eventually change the structure and functioning of the brain, leading to tolerance and dependence.

Substance abuse is a serious problem that many individuals can’t fix on their own. Many individuals who are addicted to heroin need the help of an effective rehab center in order to quit. At Options, we offer a  recovery program that has helped many individuals overcome their addictions. You too can go on to lead a happy successful life free from the grasps of heroin.

Why Consider Treatment

Why consider treatment for heroin addiction at Options Behavioral Health System in Indianapolis, IN

Heroin addiction is a chronic and relapsing disease that needs to be treated as soon as possible. The long term effects of heroin abuse and addiction can destroy an individual’s life, leaving them broke, jobless, and totally socially isolated. Eventually, after prolonged use, the structure and function of the brain changes, leading to the development of tolerance and dependence.

The fully dedicated staff here at Options has lots of experience helping individuals kick their heroin addiction and go on to live fulfilled, sober lives. While initially heroin causes a rush of pleasure, the negative consequences soon outweigh any sense of fleeting euphoria. We know how difficult it is to decide to get help, but it is a step in the right direction. Our amazing team of health professionals will get you through detox, set you up with an effective treatment plan, and teach you the skills you need to get back to a higher level of functioning.

Our Philosophy

Options Behavioral Health System philosophy and treatment benefits

At Options, we believe that the most important thing we can do for someone who is struggling with an addiction problem is provide them a safe and supported environment that encourages healing. Additionally, our communal vision creates an intimate setting that promotes the feeling of family. We deliver care with a personalized touch that is often lost at traditional hospitals. We want to be seen as a caring and compassionate place of healing.

Types of Treatment

Types of heroin addiction treatment offered at Options Behavioral Health System in Indianapolis, IN

The first step in the treatment process is to undergo a thorough assessment upon your arrival that will determine your appropriate level of care. The assessment provides us with the information needed to determine psychological and medical needs. Based on the results of your assessment, our treatment team will work with you to develop a treatment plan.

Depending on your addiction level you may first need to complete detox before you are able to fully engage in the therapeutic process. If it is determined that you are physically dependent on heroin, then the detoxification process will be used in order to remove all substances from your body. During the detox process you will receive around the clock monitoring in order to ensure your safety. Only when all substances are removed from your body are you ready to begin the therapeutic process.

Medication will be used throughout the detox process in order to help manage the unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal. While this is short-term use of medication, some individuals may need long-term medication management in order to control symptoms that are a result of a co-occurring disorder. Medication management will be handled by your therapists and will continuously be evaluated.

Group therapy is an effective form of therapy that creates the opportunity for individuals with addiction problems to come together to overcome this serious disease.  Group members can work together learning new coping skills, identifying triggers, and coming up with ways to prevent relapse.

When an individual is struggling with an addiction problem the whole family suffers. Family therapy provides an environment where damaged family relationships can be put back together. During family sessions you and your family members will get to discuss how the heroin addiction has affected their lives. Additionally, all family members will learn more about what addiction is and what they can do to be helpful in the recovery process.

Continuing Care

Continuing care and levels of treatment for heroin addiction

When you are completely stabilized and have come to the end of the inpatient program, it will be time for you to work with one of our discharge planners in order to develop an aftercare plan that will allow for your continued care. If the next best step is returning home, we will provide you with referrals for therapists and community resources so that you can have the support you need to stay sober.

What makes Options Behavioral Health the right choice?
Proven Treatment Methods

Experienced staff and clinical excellence have made Options Behavioral Health the most recognized mental health and psychiatric disorder treatment hospital in Indianapolis, and we look forward to providing our services for years to come.

24-Hour Care

Mental health disorders and issues don’t stop at 5 p.m., and neither should your treatment. Our expert clinical staff and caring support staff are here to provide you or your loved one with the highest quality of treatment 24/7/365.

Weekly Family Updates

Being “in the know” is extremely important and often ties to the longevity of success. That's why, at Options, communication and transparency are the backbone of our relationship with patients, loved ones, and professional referral sources.